"If You Love Money, Trade In Your Stale Marketing Techniques
For A Refreshing Set of New Ones RIGHT NOW!"
Below we've reviewed a handful of products that offer great value to people wanting to make money online. There is ABSOLUTELY no point in buying rehashed information from self acclaimed GURU's that make all of their money selling their own products to people like you. The resources below were created by two Internet Marketers (Kyle & Carson) who have earned millions of dollars online as Affiliates and only teach techniques that they actually use. Yes, they own these products, but they also use the techniques themselves. This is something that the "GURU's" don't do (and quite frankly, don't know how to do).
Products Created by the Wealthy Affiliates (Kyle & Carson)
Company: Wealthy Affiliate
Website: www.WealthyAffiliate.com
Rank: #1
Cost: $39.00 / month
Guarantee: Not Available
Description: Wealthy Affiliate is the most highly recommended and popular Internet Marketing community online - Bar None. The guides, tutorials, tools and other resources will literally walk you through the steps of getting started with Internet Marketing. Wealthy Affiliate also offers something that NO other program offers - Personal support and coaching. Once you are a member, you can work along side Kyle & Carson.
"Don't Just Wish.. Become a Wealthy Affiliate Today!" |
Company: Beating Adwords
Website: www.BeatingAdwords.com
Rank: #2
Cost: $67.00
Guarantee: 100% Money Back
Description: Beating Adwords will walk you through the process of using Google Adwords to your advantage as an Internet Marketer. If you do not have experience with Adwords, DO NOT try to learn on your own as you WILL lose money. Google has implemented many changes to their Adwords system and if you do not know the right techniques to use when setting up your campaigns, you'll be in for a harsh reality check.
Learn How To "Own" Google Adwords Here |
Company: Who Loves Money
Website: www.WhoLovesMoney.com
Rank: #3
Cost: $49.00
Guarantee: 100% Money Back
Description: There are too many products out there that tell you how to do something, but don't tell you why. In most cases this is because the owners of the products don't know how themselves! Who Loves Money will fill in the Gaps for you and teach you the Why's of Internet Marketing. Best of all, the techniques won't cost you a dime!
"Click Here & Feed Your Love For Money Now" |
Company: Inside The List
Website: www.InsideTheList.com
Rank: #4
Cost: $67
Guarantee: 100% Money Back
Description: Inside The List is the Wealthy Affiliates' secret weapon that focuses on a very "niche" aspect of Internet Marketing. Email Marketing and building mailing lists is something that you hear about all the time, but few people know how to harness the potential that a mailing list gives you. Learn exactly how Kyle & Carson use email marketing to earn them thousands of dollars (profit) per day online without doing Joint Ventures with self acclaimed "GURU's".
If You're Not Building A List, You are Losing Out Big Time |